For most of our clients, real estate holdings represent the single highest value category of asset in their portfolios.
There are many potential pitfalls awaiting an unwary buyer in a commercial real estate purchase, such as unexpected environmental liabilities, boundary line disputes, easement issues, and restrictive covenants. We can also help ensure that you have properly segregated your risks and your assets so that your new property is protected going forward.
We help sellers to prepare binding contracts with prospective buyers, limit their on-going liabilities, and assist them in taking advantage of advanced techniques such as IRS Section 1031 tax-deferred exchanges.
We also assist our clients during the development phase of projects, including reviewing plats, drafting restrictive covenants, and in preparing contracts with general contractors, suppliers and vendors.
Whether you are buying, selling, or developing, contact us to see how we can assist you with your real estate project.